Physical Education

Physical Education Department

Physical Education is more than a body-building program of activities for the purpose of healthful living or for the development and maintenance of physical fitness. It is also more than just the teaching of physical skills or the playing games for recreation purposes. Physical Education is a method of education; it is a way of teaching students through experiences gained by participation in motor activities.

NOTE: All Physical Education courses include students of all academic abilities. The grades given in Physical Education freshman and sophomore year are included in the student’s grade point average. Junior and senior year are not.


Two credits in Physical Education/Health are required for graduation. A student takes one-half credit in Physical Education/Health during each school year. Only those students with a permanent medical excuse from a practicing physician will be exempt from the two-credit requirement. Those students exempting themselves from Physical Education must file a medical excuse in the Director of Curriculum’s office.


Brian Glorioso
773-282-8844 ext. 238